
Thanks for checking out some of my writing. This is the serious profile page. I have a serious writerly profile photo too, so please indulge me for a moment while I refer to myself in the third person.

Photo by John Hayes

Marcel Currin is a published poet who has appeared in national anthologies, literary journals and even NCEA school exams. An evangelist for poetry, he likes to write poems that reach for poetic heights while staying grounded enough for everyone else to enjoy the form without pretending to be arty.

In the world of prose, Marcel established a quirky style of very short, surreal stories with the book Ministry of Ideas (2012), now available as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle Store  He wrote a popular weekly opinion column for the Bay of Plenty Times, 2013 – 2015. The best of those columns have been compiled into the book Go Random Strangers You Are Awesome (2017).